Commission is your biggest and most important incentive. Make sure you're getting it right.
The team at Konquest have an unparalleled understanding of recruitment commission and incentives, as well as the largest data set of it's kind. This positions us uniquely to assist our clients with reviewing their setup and ensuring they're optimised for the future.
Introducing Review & Refresh
Konquest's dedicated advisory service
- Independent & objective review
- Konquest scorecard
- Opportunities for improvement
- Full payout rate analysis
- Market comparison

Commission is the backbone of your incentive programme; it's vital you get it right
The range of options when creating your commission plan is vast, and can be confusing.
In a competitive environment, you may be concerned that other agencies pay more than you, or that you're the one paying too much.
Work with us to ensure your biggest and most expensive incentive is optimised not just for today, but as part of your medium to long term strategy. We can help you understand how you compare to your competitors and provide you with an informed and independent view on best practice.
Data Collection
You'll complete an online data-capture form which tells us about your business and commission
A dedicated session with your leadership to explore opportunities for improvement
We deliver your bespoke report which includes an objective review of where you are now, together with options for improvement based on where you want to go
All advisory clients get FREE setup on Konquest
Deciding on a new scheme is one thing, managing the process thereafter is a challenge in and of itself.
For advisory clients wishing to automate their commission process and give their team full visibility, setup on Konquest is complimentary. Commission, Accomplished.
Get our free Handbook for recruiter commissions
10 chapters focused on commission and incentives in recruitment.